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  1. snowleopard3200

    snowleopard3200 Guardian of the Snow

    Jan 15, 2008
    Horse - thanks for having started the KAW 16.5
  2. Prurient Purveyer

    Prurient Purveyer Porn Star

    May 13, 2010
    I posted this one without seeing the one above. Not quite so reverential.

    (She's a blink and you're dust thread this one. Much more fun than Literotica, don't you think Annie?:))_
  3. LOAnnie2

    LOAnnie2 Porno Junky

    Jun 27, 2013

    I dunno PP (did you choose a name that gave that acryonym on purpose?), I'm pretty used to a few people that have an obvious hatred for eachother hijacking threads so they can bicker (think if instead of creating a seperate thread ELP made his announcement in this one). Though I will admit that so far with the exception of this insanity, the XNXX forums have made me feel more welcome immediately!
  4. MissRachael

    MissRachael Don't Let The Blonde Hair Fool You! In XNXX Heaven

    Nov 2, 2012
    Very very sorry that Horse has chosen not to continue hosting. That leaves it a bit flat. A bit like this site is going. Look at the other thrads in last 24 hours. NOTHING had as many posts as a bitching match.

    THAT is the way this site is going

  5. Twistedsister

    Twistedsister Porn Star

    Jan 8, 2010
    This has a ring to it like the poor old had with the Bonny Prince Charles at Culloden.
  6. Twistedsister

    Twistedsister Porn Star

    Jan 8, 2010
    Bonnie Prince Charles rallied the Highland Scots (like Horse did) to do battle against a common enemy in the English-Scots (the CAW Kings) for the Crown of Scotland.

    When the going got tuff, Charles fled to France and left the Highland Scots to be massacred and reformed.
  7. Prurient Purveyer

    Prurient Purveyer Porn Star

    May 13, 2010
    You really don't know an awful lot about Culloden but in any event it has sweet F/A to do with this. Horse is handing over the reins because he's run out of energy just for the moment.

    He'll be back.
  8. Twistedsister

    Twistedsister Porn Star

    Jan 8, 2010
    I hope so...(Horse)
    ...some of us showed interest in the KAW idea and frustration at CAW, that has made it even more frustrating.
  9. Twistedsister

    Twistedsister Porn Star

    Jan 8, 2010
    Like a so called cooler head said yesterday "I am a stupid bitch".

    So what i know of Culloden was Prince Charles laid claim to the crown but not 100% sure if he was the grandson of King Charles or Queen Mary who were kicked out as monarchs because they were catholics. With the oppression of the northern Scots, he drummed up their support with the aid of France (failed). By then the lower Scots were prodies and aligned with England.
    This was a continuation of the English Civil war in part, that ended in Culloden.
  10. LadyRed

    LadyRed Porn Star

    Jun 23, 2011
    Look guys, all this arguing can net is hurt feelings and dead forums. I know, the one I was part of is all but dead, and whole threads archived. Because of the constant fighting. In that forum nothing has been posted in weeks.

    The admins called us children misbehaving, sigh please let this go...

    Horse honey I felt you posted this as you did the 8.5. I will be posting something soon for the Kaw.

    Sad to see Horse stepping away, a Snowy I love your stories and would love to see one in the Kaw.

    Huggles guys.
  11. snowleopard3200

    snowleopard3200 Guardian of the Snow

    Jan 15, 2008
    Normally I would enter the KAW 16.5, and had looked forward to it. Its right now I have another project that is taking most of my writing time. There will be CAW 17, and any other contests that come up.

    Time management: one of the oldest enemies in world history. At least it is for me.
  12. LadyRed

    LadyRed Porn Star

    Jun 23, 2011

    Me to darling Snow. 2 job's, husband, 2 Kids, Lizard an a cat......phew!!
  13. DeathsKnight

    DeathsKnight Knight In Off-White Shining Armour

    Apr 23, 2008
    Luckily all I have to manage is 800 sheep and 7 goats, so time for writing is abundant for now. Come summer (your winter) I might go silent yet again in the story department...no big loss if you ask my opinion.

    I think the KAW will be a great idea for me to get some feedback and see what I do wrong, at least I now know some of the names I can take to heart here and which to ignore.

    PS: 90% of the guys I will take to heart is on the Recommended Writers list :-D
  14. Reflection

    Reflection Sex Machine Suspended!

    Nov 10, 2011
    As previously post on this thread:

    And from GD:
    Surely you jest ejls?

    A member was just banned over in GD for posting a pm, yet you allow others in the stories section to get away with it???

    Can you explain your actions or is this a prima facie case of moderator favoritism?
  15. L+R

    L+R Porn Star Suspended!

    May 7, 2011

    Could it be that the Story Some are more equal than others?
  16. meforyou

    meforyou The Spurtinator

    Feb 22, 2012
    Pussy Patrol is back on form. :rolleyes:
  17. Laurie Driver

    Laurie Driver Porn Surfer

    Jan 31, 2013


    Although I'm not sure at which end of the stick PP actually is.
  18. ejls

    ejls Siren of the Seaway

    Oct 19, 2008
    I will address all of you - even though these were written by the same person. The person in GD was warned - and then posted and laughed. Is that favoritism? Are second chances favoritism? If so, then I've been guilty of that since 2010 and should have been removed as a mod.
  19. meforyou

    meforyou The Spurtinator

    Feb 22, 2012
    That's good. I like that. LMFAO. :excited:
  20. meforyou

    meforyou The Spurtinator

    Feb 22, 2012
    Ejls - the majority of us on here respect you and know that you possess an integrity that certain people can only dream of, so rest easy, because we're behind you. :rose: