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Escort Directory: Why It’s Crucial to Write Escort Reviews

If it’s your first time with an escort, you may feel unsure about whether or not you should leave a review. Or even how to leave a review. We spoke to the escort directory experts at Secret Desire to navigate the unknown and figure out exactly what type of review to leave.

Leaving a review for your escort is wildly important- both for her, and for other prospective clients. This is because reviews can give clients a chance to share what they did and didn’t like about an escort, making it much more simple for future clients to decide whether or not any particular escort will be a good fit for them. Reading escort reviews is the best way to really get some good non-biased information on any companion you may be considering.

However, we’ve all experienced the reviews that aren’t worth the single megabyte of memory that they are written on. If reviews drone on, are incredibly boring, or completely unrelatable, chances are you’re not even going to waste your time reading them. So why waste your time writing one? This simple guide will help provide some framework for how to write a useful review, that people will actually want to read.

What to Include in Your Escort Review

For starters, it’s important to decide how you felt about your encounter. What are some of the things your escort did well? Are there things you would like to change? Leaving a review for a good experience is just as important as leaving a review outlining a bad one. Remember that everyone is different, and no two clients will be looking for the exact same experience. It’s also important to remember that certain escorts have areas of expertise. It’s always wise to pay close attention to the ad on the escort directory, or to talk to an agency directly, especially when you’re looking for niche talent.

Don’t get too explicit. Try and keep personal details to a minimum- whether you’re talking about the escort, or yourself. For most potential clients, the ideal review will discuss expectation vs. reality when it comes to escort appearance and size. Sort of a note ensuring “what you see is what you get” is often more important to prospective clients than intimate details about your encounter in specific. Remarking on aspects like her personality or her intelligence, when weighed against her bio, are important subjects for most people looking to hire. An escort that describes herself as “nerdy” and “girl-next-door”, but shows up looking like a PSE with no scrap of intellect to be found can be a deal breaker for some.

Whether you were getting Houston body rubs, or erotic massage, or any other naughty little extra, always make sure that any specifics are on the legal up and up. The last thing you want your review to do is open you, or your escort up to any untoward legal complications. Remember what it is you’re paying for and be genuine, but also choose your words carefully. Paying some attention to the punctuality of your date is also useful for many people to know, as you’re paying for her time, it’s good to know that it is considered with care.

What to Leave Out

Again- any personal, intimate, or gorey details need not apply. If you’re unhappy with your encounter- absolutely leave a review- but don’t write it while you’re angry. These reviews often get overlooked as they are too personal and lack useful details. Try and stick to the format above, and only write a review when you’re in a calm state of mind. However, if there were obvious missteps on behalf of your escort (like clock-watching, not matching her picture, or if she tried to end the date early without grounds to do so) these are really important tidbits to add. Just try to keep any name calling, or cursing, out of it.

Don’t give out any personally identifying details that the escort didn’t give freely to begin with. Like anything that’s off profile that may have come up during your time together. These sorts of intimate, or truly personal details were discussed between the two of you for a reason- they’re not for anyone else’s consumption. So leave those sweet nothings out. Do make sure that you add in any relevant contact information however- like the escort directory that you used to find your escort, or the agency that she works for.

Find a way to praise any special effort made, without going into the nitty gritty of it. Did your escort come well equipped for any pre-discussed experiences? Going the extra mile to provide a great experience that was personalized to your taste? Pop that into the review and give her the credit she deserves.

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