South Africa’s new R5 coin in honour of OR Tambo – this is what it looks like
SA Mint, a subsidiary of South African Reserve Bank (SARB), is producing a new R5 coin, commemorating the birth centenary of Oliver Reginald Tambo. The coin entered circulation at the start of October. It depicts the times in the life of OR Tambo. “The late OR Tambo, played a pivotal role in the country’s struggle […]

SA Mint, a subsidiary of South African Reserve Bank (SARB), is producing a new R5 coin, commemorating the birth centenary of Oliver Reginald Tambo.
The coin entered circulation at the start of October. It depicts the times in the life of OR Tambo.
“The late OR Tambo, played a pivotal role in the country’s struggle against apartheid. His stewardship of the liberation movement galvanised world opinion against the apartheid,” the Sarb said on Wednesday.
There will also be collectable coins available in the series which depict Tambo during his youth and presidency of the African National Congress. The collectable coins will not be in circulation, are not redeemable at banks or for use to purchase products or services. However, the public was reminded that the new coin is valid tender.
“The new R5 coin, worth its face value, entered circulation from 1 of October 2017, the other collectable coins will be available from the South African Mint and authorised dealers from 27 October 2017, OR Tambo’s 100th anniversary.”
“This is the first time that the South African Mint is releasing a non-circulating, collectible legal tender coin made from the same base metal used in other South African circulation coins,” the Sarb said.
“The design has gone through the same approval process as other legal tender commemorative coins and has been approved by the Cabinet and the minister of finance, which makes it legal tender.”
Collectable OR Tambo coins
These coins consist of a sterling silver R50 coin, a base-metal R50 coin and a pure gold R500 coin.